Recent Water Damage Posts

Protecting Your Valuables: Safeguarding Important Documents from Water Damage

6/12/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage in a home. Protecting your valuables from water damage requires foresight, preparation, and swift action.

In the face of unexpected disasters like floods or leaks, our homes and offices can become vulnerable to water damage, putting our valuable documents at risk. Whether it's birth certificates, passports, property deeds, or cherished family photos, safeguarding these important documents is crucial. At SERVPRO®, we understand the importance of protecting your valuables, and we're here to provide you with some practical tips to help prevent water damage and preserve your documents.

Store Documents Properly

Begin by storing your important documents in a safe and secure location. Invest in a waterproof and fireproof safe or lockbox to keep your documents protected from water damage, as well as other potential threats like fire or theft. Place the safe in a high, dry area of your home or office, away from potential water sources such as basements or pipes.

Use Waterproof Containers

For documents that you need to access more frequently, such as medical records or insurance policies, consider storing them in waterproof containers or plastic sleeves. These protective enclosures can provide an additional layer of defense against water damage, especially in areas prone to leaks or humidity.

Digitize Your Documents 

In today's digital age, it's easier than ever to create digital copies of your important documents. Invest in a scanner or use a smartphone app to digitize your paperwork and store them securely on a cloud-based storage service or an external hard drive. By having electronic backups, you can ensure that your documents are accessible from anywhere and less susceptible to physical damage.

Maintain Your Property

Regular maintenance of your home or office can help prevent water damage before it occurs. Inspect your plumbing systems, roof, and gutters regularly for any signs of leaks or damage, and address them promptly to avoid potential water intrusion. Proper insulation and ventilation can also help regulate indoor humidity levels and reduce the risk of moisture-related issues.

Act Quickly in Case of Water Damage

Despite our best efforts, accidents can still happen. In the event of water damage, it's crucial to act quickly to minimize the impact on your valuable documents. Immediately remove any wet or damp items from the affected area, and begin the drying process using fans, dehumidifiers, or professional drying services. Contact SERVPRO for expert water damage restoration assistance to ensure thorough and efficient cleanup and restoration of your property.

Protecting your valuables from water damage requires foresight, preparation, and swift action. By implementing these proactive measures and partnering with SERVPRO for all your water damage restoration needs, you can safeguard your important documents and enjoy peace of mind knowing that your treasures are safe and secure, come what may.

Assessing Water-Damaged Flooring: Carpet, Hardwood, Tile, and More

2/18/2024 (Permalink)

Water damage can wreak havoc on your home's flooring, leading to costly repairs and replacements. Assessing the extent of water damage is essential for determining the best course of action. In this blog post, we will explore how to assess water damage in different types of flooring, including carpet, hardwood, tile, and more, to help you make informed decisions and restore your floors effectively.

Carpet Flooring

When dealing with water damage on carpeted floors, the first step is to determine the source of the water and stop it. Assess the extent of the damage by checking for wetness, odors, and discoloration. If the water damage is from a clean water source and the carpet has been wet for less than 48 hours, professional cleaning and drying may be sufficient. However, if the water is contaminated or the carpet has been wet for an extended period, replacement may be necessary to prevent mold and health hazards.

Hardwood Flooring

Water damage on hardwood floors requires immediate attention to prevent warping, cupping, and mold growth. Inspect for signs of water damage, such as swelling, buckling, or discoloration. Dry the affected area promptly using specialized equipment and techniques. If the damage is extensive or the wood has started to decay, professional refinishing or replacement may be required.

Tile Flooring

Tile flooring is generally more resistant to water damage, but it is still important to assess the extent of any water intrusion. Check for loose or cracked tiles, grout discoloration, and signs of moisture. If there are only isolated areas affected, removing and replacing those tiles may be sufficient. However, if the water damage has spread to a larger area, professional assistance may be necessary to ensure proper drying and restoration.

Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is susceptible to water damage as moisture can penetrate the boards and cause them to warp and swell. Assess the extent of damage by checking for buckling, swelling, or separation between the planks. If the damage is limited to a small area, those affected boards can be replaced. However, extensive water damage may require replacing the entire floor.

Vinyl Flooring

Vinyl flooring is generally more resistant to water damage, but it can still suffer if water seeps beneath the surface. Inspect for visible signs of damage, such as curling, discoloration, or peeling. If the water damage is localized, replacing the affected sections may be sufficient. However, if the damage is extensive or has affected the subfloor, professional guidance should be sought for proper remediation.

Assessing water-damaged flooring is crucial to determine the best approach for repair or replacement. Whether dealing with carpet, hardwood, tile, laminate, or vinyl flooring, understanding the signs of water damage and consulting professionals when necessary will help ensure a successful restoration process and preserve the beauty and functionality of your floors.

Restoring Your Home and Valuables After Water Damage

10/15/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be a nightmare for homeowners in Ft. Myers, FL. Whether it's from a burst pipe, a heavy storm, or a malfunctioning appliance, the aftermath can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to deal with structural damage, but you also need to think about the restoration of your cherished belongings and valuables. In this blog, we'll guide you through the steps to restore your items after water damage, ensuring a smoother recovery process.

Document the Damage

Take photos or videos of the damaged area and items before you start cleaning or removing anything. This documentation will be helpful for insurance claims.

Remove Items from the Water

Start by removing belongings from the affected area as soon as possible to prevent further damage. Prioritize items with sentimental or high monetary value, such as heirlooms, electronics, and important documents.

Dry Quickly

Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. The longer your items stay wet, the more damage they may incur. Use fans, dehumidifiers, and open windows to facilitate drying. For valuable books, documents, and photographs, consider freeze-drying as a professional option.

Cleaning and Sanitizing

For non-porous items, clean and disinfect them thoroughly using appropriate cleaning agents to prevent mold and mildew growth. Always follow safety guidelines and use protective gear when dealing with contaminated water.

Assess Furniture and Upholstery

Furniture and upholstery can absorb a lot of water. If they are not properly dried and cleaned, they can become breeding grounds for mold. Consider professional cleaning and restoration services for large items.


Water and electronics don't mix. If your electronic devices have been affected by water damage, do not attempt to power them on. Instead, consult a professional electronics restoration service to assess and repair them.

Restore Important Documents

Important documents like birth certificates, passports, and legal paperwork can be especially vulnerable to water damage. Consult a document restoration specialist to salvage and preserve these items.

Seek Professional Help

For valuable antiques, fine art, and specialized items, it's best to consult experts in restoration and preservation, such as SERVPRO® of Central Ft. Myers. They have the knowledge and equipment to restore your valuables to their former glory.

Review Your Insurance Coverage

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the damage and begin the claims process. Make sure you have a clear understanding of what is covered under your policy and what documentation is required.

Dealing with water damage to your belongings and valuables in Ft. Myers, FL, can be stressful, but with prompt action and the right approach, you can salvage many of your cherished possessions. Remember to prioritize safety, document the damage, and seek professional help when needed. Restoring your belongings is not just about reclaiming your stuff; it's about reclaiming your peace of mind.

What to Do with Water-Damaged Electronics: Essential Steps to Follow

7/18/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be devastating, especially when it affects our valuable electronics. Whether it's a smartphone, laptop, or other electronic devices, exposure to water can cause irreparable harm if not addressed promptly and properly. In this blog post, we will guide you through essential steps to take when dealing with water-damaged electronics, helping you maximize the chances of recovery and minimize potential losses.

Step 1: Act quickly and power off the device

Time is of the essence when it comes to water damage. As soon as you discover your electronic device has been exposed to water, power it off immediately. Do not attempt to turn it on or charge it, as this can cause further damage and increase the risk of a short circuit.

Step 2: Disconnect from power source 

Unplug the device from any power source and remove the batteries (if possible). This step helps prevent electrical current from flowing through the water-damaged components and causing additional harm.

Step 3: Dry the device

Gently pat dry the exterior of the device with a soft cloth or paper towel to remove any visible water. Avoid rubbing or applying excessive pressure, as this can push water further into the device. Do not use a hairdryer or heat source, as excessive heat can damage the internal components.

Step 4: Disassemble 

If you are comfortable and have experience with electronics, consider disassembling the device to expose the internal components. This step allows for more effective drying and reduces the likelihood of corrosion. Take caution and refer to device-specific guides or seek professional assistance if needed.

Step 5: Air dry or use desiccants

Place the disassembled device or the intact device in a well-ventilated area. You can also use a container filled with uncooked rice or silica gel packets to absorb moisture. Allow the device to air dry for at least 48 hours. It's essential to be patient during this process to ensure thorough drying.

Step 6: Consult professional repair services

After the device has dried completely, it's recommended to consult professional repair services. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to assess the extent of the damage and determine if repairs are possible. In some cases, the cost of repair may exceed the value of the device, and it may be more practical to consider replacing it.

Step 7: Backup and retrieve data

If your device contains important data and you were unable to access it due to water damage, consult professional data recovery services. They may be able to salvage your data from the damaged device. Going forward, remember to regularly back up your data to prevent significant data loss in the event of future accidents.

Step 8: Learn from the experience and take preventive measures

Water damage incidents serve as valuable lessons. Consider how the water damage occurred and take preventive measures to avoid similar situations in the future. Invest in waterproof or water-resistant cases for your devices, be cautious around water sources, and take extra care when using electronics in humid or wet environments.

Dealing with water-damaged electronics can be stressful, but by following these essential steps, you can increase the chances of recovery and minimize potential losses. Remember to act quickly, power off the device, and dry it thoroughly. Seeking professional assistance, backing up data, and implementing preventive measures will help you protect your valuable electronics and mitigate the risks of water damage in the future.

How do I maintain fire sprinklers in my building?

3/8/2023 (Permalink)

Maintaining your fire sprinklers is a crucial part of running a business. It's important to keep the system in good shape so that it can do its job when it needs to. Fire sprinkler installation companies will be able to provide regular maintenance and inspections for your building's sprinkler system so that you don't have to worry about being unprepared for an emergency.

What is a fire sprinkler?

First, you need to know what the sprinkler system is. These systems automatically activate when the temperature reaches a certain level or when a heat detector goes off. They're often found buildings and industrial spaces where they don't need to be monitored by humans or computers.

Sprinklers with automatic control panels that can be programmed remotely via computer interface or app--this includes most residential systems installed. These panels allow you to change settings remotely if needed, but they aren't typically monitored full time by someone at your building's office.

Inspection done by a professional.

The next step is to have an inspection done by a professional. How often you should have your fire sprinklers inspected depends on the age of your building and its location. Inspections are typically required once every three years, but some states require an inspection every two years.

If you're unsure whether or not your building needs an inspection, contact your local fire department or building inspector's office for more information about local regulations regarding sprinkler maintenance and inspections.

You may want to hire a professional fire protection contractor who specializes in inspecting sprinkler systems for commercial buildings--or simply ask around for recommendations among friends who own businesses with similar structures as yours (you'll be surprised how many people know someone who has dealt with this issue!).

Potential issues include clogs, leaks, and freezing.

Clogged sprinklers are the most common problem with fire sprinkler systems. A clog can cause water loss and damage to your building's interior. If you see any signs of a clogged line (such as slow discharge from any one or two sprinklers), you should call in a professional to clean it out before it causes more serious damage.

Leaks are another issue that can lead to significant damage if not repaired quickly. Leaks could come from several place, between pipe joints, at valves, under valve seats, or around heads where they meet walls or ceilings. When you notice signs of leakage such as wet spots on floors or ceilings near fire protection equipment locations like valves/heads/risers etc. call the professionals to access the damage.

Regular maintenance can also prevent some of these problems.

Regular maintenance can also prevent some of these problems. If you have a fire sprinkler system that is not working properly, it may not be able to detect and extinguish a fire in time. It's important to have your sprinkler systems inspected regularly so that you know when they need repairs or replacement parts. Maintaining fire sprinklers will help ensure that your business stays safe and protected.

Maintaining fire sprinklers is a simple but important step in ensuring the safety of your business. It's easy to forget about these systems, but regular maintenance will help keep them in good condition and prevent any potential problems from arising. If you're interested in learning more about how we can help with this process (and many others), contact us today!

Protect your Home from Water Damage

2/8/2023 (Permalink)

Water damage can be expensive to repair and even more costly if it's not caught before it causes a water loss. If you're worried about water damage in your home, check your appliances, home exterior, attic, etc to protect your home from damages.

Check your Appliances

Check your appliances. Water damage can be caused by faulty hoses, cracked faucets and leaking or broken pipes. Check all of these regularly, but especially after a cold snap.

Maintain your Homes Exterior

Inspect the exterior of your home regularly to make sure it's not letting water in. Make sure gutters and downspouts are clear, and that siding and other surfaces are not letting water penetrate them. Check for signs of water damage or penetration, mold growth, and proper ventilation.

Monitor the Attic

Monitor the attic. Look for signs of moisture and leaks that could cause mold growth and a whole host of other problems. Also check for proper ventilation.

The attic is one of the most important areas to inspect after a flood or storm, since it absorbs a lot of damage when water comes into contact with your roof. If you have any doubts about whether your attic needs more attention than just replacing some drywall, then consider hiring a professional to do an inspection so they can find any potential issues before they become expensive repairs down the road.

Check the Windows and Doors

Check the windows and doors. Look around the window frames, door frames (especially under kick plates) and thresholds for evidence of water damage or penetration. Pay attention to any mold smells as well.

Check for moisture in the frame. Moisture in your home's framing can cause significant structural damage, especially over time. If you suspect that a window leaks, check it from inside by running water onto its surface from a hose or bucket outside.

Look closely at seals and thresholds for signs of water damage like stains and cracks in paintwork or wood (which can lead to rot) or rusting metal fasteners if you have aluminum windows. These are signs that there has been a leak at some point in recent history which needs immediate attention before additional damage occurs.

Inspect your roof

Inspect your roof. If you see missing or damaged shingles, leaks or dark spots on the decking, you may need to replace the roof soon. Check your roof for missing shingles and damaged areas that could allow water to seep in. If you discover any such damage, get it repaired immediately before a storm or rainy season sets in so the problem doesn't become worse.

If you take these tips to heart, they can help protect your home from water damage. Your home is an investment that deserves protection, so make sure to check these things regularly and get them fixed if necessary. If there's any doubt about what might be causing a problem, call a professional for advice or even a quote on repairs.

Benefits of Regular House Plumbing Inspections

12/1/2022 (Permalink)

Benefits of Regular House Plumbing Inspections

Regular plumbing inspections can help prevent problems with your pipes. A good inspection will also protect you from having to pay for more serious problems down the road — and potentially save you from a burst pipe that ruins your home’s walls and flooring.

Prevents future plumbing problems

The plumbing systems in your home are complex and delicate. The more you know about how they work, the better prepared you'll be to prevent future problems and understand when there is an issue. With regular inspections from a licensed plumber, you can detect problems before they become major issues, saving money on expensive repairs down the road. 

Prevents bursting of pipes

If a pipe bursts, it can cause a lot of damage. It could cost thousands of dollars to repair the damage, and you will also have to deal with the aftermath of flooding and water damage. Bursting pipes can also cause mold growth in your home which is unhealthy for everyone living there.

Prevents major issues

Plumbing issues can be very expensive to repair, and some of them can result in mold or mildew growth. If there is a leak, it will also cause damage to your walls and flooring. Therefore, it's important that you have regular inspections done on your plumbing system so that if there are any problems, they can be detected early on and fixed before they become more costly or dangerous.

If you have an inspection done by a professional plumbing company, they will not only detect problems but also recommend solutions for them if needed. This way the issue won't escalate into something bigger than it needs to be. The professional will also give valuable advice on how often inspections should occur as well as what they should look for during different stages of life (such as after major renovations).

Detects the issue before it spreads

We all know that water damage is a huge issue. But did you know that plumbing issues can cause even more harm than just structural damage? If left unchecked, a small leak can quickly become a very big problem. As the water continues to flow down the drain or pipe, it will eventually find its way into the rest of your home and start infiltrating walls, flooring, and other areas.

One common way this happens is through cracks in pipes or joints. Another way is when your house's foundation shifts over time due to repeated use of certain appliances (like washing machines) or poor construction/design. When these things happen, cracks can form between sections of piping which will allow water to pass through them freely without interruption.

So how do we stop this from happening? The answer is regular inspections from licensed plumbers. Through careful inspection techniques — and by using state-of-the-art technology when necessary — we can spot potential problems before they turn into costly repairs down the road!

Can detect other household issues

Plumbing problems can indicate other issues with your home.

  • Electrical issues are a common cause of plumbing issues, so if you notice that your sink is draining slowly or not at all, it could be a sign that something is wrong with the electrical system.
  • Structural problems can also be responsible for plumbing complications. If your toilet flushes intermittently, it could be due to faulty flooring or foundation underneath it.
  • Pests can wreak havoc on your house and its pipes as well. Ants in particular like to burrow into drainpipes and nests inside walls where they’ll create blockages over time—which will eventually cause clogs in sinks and toilets if left untreated long enough!

Protects your home’s valuation

Regular plumbing inspections can also help protect the value of your home. A home in good condition is more likely to sell for a higher price and having a well-maintained plumbing system is one of the factors that people consider when purchasing a new property. Having an inspection can help ensure that your plumbing is in good condition and will reduce the likelihood of needing major repairs in the future. By scheduling regular inspections, you can be sure that your pipes are safe, which helps keep your family safe as well.

Using regular inspections can help protect the value of your home.

Homeowners can protect their property values and prevent additional damage by scheduling regular plumbing inspections. When you schedule an inspection, a technician will come to your home and evaluate the state of your plumbing system. They’ll check for leaks, make sure that all pipes are properly sized for current flow rates and pressure requirements, and discuss any necessary maintenance plans.

In addition to helping, you avoid costly repairs down the road, regular inspections also offer other benefits:

As you can see, regular plumbing inspections can save you a lot of money in the long run. And if you ever encounter water damage or need professional restoration like SERVPRO of Bonita Springs /Estero, give us a call! 

Does My Carpet Have To Be Replaced?

11/2/2022 (Permalink)

Does My Carpet Have to be Replaced?

If your home or business has been affected by a flood, you’re probably wondering if your carpets can be salvaged. The answer depends on the cause of the flooding, but in most cases, carpet may be salvageable if it's dried out properly. Carpeting is often installed over a vapor barrier that prevents moisture from seeping into floors. They're not easy to replace once they get wet.

While it's up to you whether you want to replace your carpeting after flooding, here's how the professionals recommend going about it:

The water source dictates whether the carpet can be saved.

If the water source is clean, such as a pipe burst or supply line, the carpet can probably be saved. However, if the water source is dirty, like after a flood caused by a storm, then you’ll probably need to replace your carpet.

If you have the time, start by removing any furniture, electronics, and other items from the carpeted area. Removing these objects will make it easier to clean up any spills that occur during cleaning. 

  • If there's water on your floor, remove it.
  • If the water is still on your floor, use a wet/dry vacuum to remove it. If there’s a lot of water, use a mop.
  • If you have just a little bit of water, use a mop to soak up the liquid.

Extract as much water as possible from the carpet.

Most carpet damage is caused by water, so it's important to extract as much water as possible. If you have a wet vac, use this to vacuum out as much moisture as possible. If not, try using a towel or sponge and blotting the excess liquid up until the carpet feels dry. Do not rub your hands back and forth on the carpet; instead, just pat it lightly with your hand in one direction (this will help prevent further damage).

Dry out the area with fans and dehumidifiers; seal off the room to help speed up drying and prevent permanent damage from mold growth.

If you’ve experienced a flood, don’t panic. Your options are better than you think! It may seem like it would be faster and easier to just replace the carpeting in your home, but if done right, there is hope of salvaging your floor covering.

This process will take time and patience—but if done correctly, it can pay off big time (and save you thousands of dollars).

First things first—dry out the area with fans and dehumidifiers; seal off the room to help speed up drying and prevent permanent damage from mold growth. The amount of time required depends on how much water got into your floors (if any), but typically it takes 2-5 days for most water-soaked materials to dry completely. If there was significant damage from flooding or other sources (such as sewage) then just keep in mind that this process could take longer than expected!

Professionals recommend leaving carpets in place until everything else is dry. Consider that vapor barriers and insulation under floors may be wet, so leave them alone until a professional has inspected your home.

  • Remove wet carpet as soon as possible.
  • Clean up any water that's left on the floor.
  • Dry out the area with fans and dehumidifiers.
  • Seal off the room to help speed up drying and prevent permanent damage from mold growth

If you're too overwhelmed to deal with this situation on your own, contact a water damage restoration professional like SERVPRO of Central Ft. Myers. They'll be able to assess the damage and do everything necessary to get your carpets back in shape - so that they look like new again!

5 Ways To Prevent Water Damage During Construction

6/22/2022 (Permalink)

Water Damage During Construction: 5 Ways To Avoid It

While building a new commercial property, both contractor and client want the project to go off without a hitch. But even a simple water pipe repair can be costly and delay the project's completion. Therefore, it's critical to take the following steps to avoid any water damage during construction.

1. Install and Test Piping Systems Early
Before the bulk of the construction begins, be sure to install and test out piping systems. A water pipe repair is far more manageable when it does not cause major loss to the building, so get this handled early on.

2. Delegate a Team To Oversee Potential Water Issues

Contractors should delegate a team to monitor and mitigate any water issues that may arise. Doing so ensures that problems ranging from a broken pipe to a leaky roof can be quickly noticed and fixed to not slow down the build.

3. Never Install Finishes Without Waterproofing

The structure should be fully enclosed from potential sources of water, including a compromised roof or open windows, prior to installing finishes. This extra step minimizes loss in the event that water seeped into the building somehow. 

4. Test Fire Safety Systems
Commercial buildings are built with fire sprinklers in case of an emergency. Be sure to run tests during the installation of the sprinkler system and monitor any leaks, as this could require a water pipe repair within the system.

5. Call Water Damage Experts if the Building Becomes Flooded

Even with precautions, certain sites can't evade water damage during construction. If this occurs, contact a water damage restoration company servicing Lehigh Acres, FL.

Measures like testing pipes early, assigning a team to monitor for water, installing finishes after waterproofing the building and testing sprinkler systems are great ways to prevent water damage during construction. If a flooding issue arises, contact a cleanup crew to mitigate the damage.

The Consequences of a Plumbing Failure

4/7/2022 (Permalink)

The Effects Of A Plumbing Disaster

It is hard to overestimate the importance of the plumbing system in your home. When it is working properly, it carries hot and cold water to your appliances with ease. Just as importantly, when things go awry as in the case of a pipe break, the consequences are life-changing, at least for a little while. Water is spilled into your home in Buckingham, FL, threatening to cause damage to walls, flooring and personal belongings. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to what your plumbing system is telling you. Several signs indicate it is time for a plumbing inspection or regular maintenance on your pipes.

The Importance of Listening to Your Plumbing

Just as with a vehicle, sounds are sometimes the first sign that something is wrong, that a pipe break or some other calamity is imminent. The following noises in the plumbing indicate trouble:

  • Whistling when a water faucet is turned on
  • Chattering or banging
  • Squealing

Your first option when you sense trouble is to try and troubleshoot the problem yourself. The more experience you have at this, the more likely you will be able to avoid a disastrous pipe burst by your efforts. Secondly, calling in a licensed plumber is often a good option. While this might be more expensive, it could save you the trouble of a major water spill in your home.

The Value of Professional Water Damage Mitigation

Any time water spills into your living space, it is smart to consider the services of a water damage restoration company. Highly-trained technicians will arrive on the scene quickly and work to fix broken pipe and take other actions. They will remove any standing water with the help of powerful pumps and vacuums. An experienced crew has the goal of restoring your home to its original condition.

Experts can help you minimize the consequences of a pipe break in your home.

4 Common Causes of Water Damage and How To Prevent Them From Happening

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Restoration machine is cleaning a house after water damage If your home is affected by water damage, call SERVPRO today. Our team is a leader and highly trained in water removal and restoration!

The 4 Most Common Causes Of Water Damage And How To Avoid Them

Whatever the cause, water damage that occurs to your home in Lehigh Acres,FL, can be incredibly stressful and costly to deal with. Especially severe cases can damage the structure of your house, completely destroy furniture, ruin personal belongings, and cause mold to grow.

To key to avoiding water damage is by ensuring there is no excess water in your home due to leaks, puddles, or too much moisture in the air. Here are four common causes of water damage to be aware so you can prevent them from ever happening in the first place.

1. Issues With Your HVAC System

HVAC systems are prone to leaking or freezing due to dirty coils, a broken pipe, or temperature issues. Make sure to perform regular maintenance and inspections on your HVAC and address any concerns before leaving your home on vacation to avoid leaving leaking water in your home while you’re away.

2. Lack of Ventilation

One easy but important way to avoid having to call in a water restoration specialist is to ensure your home is well ventilated. This is especially true in your bathroom. When you take a shower, make sure to turn on your exhaust fan, crack open a window, and leave the door open.

3. Plumbing Issues

Issues with your plumbing can cause extreme water damage before you even realize that anything went wrong, which is why prevention is key. Make sure to check your bathrooms and sinks regularly to observe for any leaks, musty smells, or a problem with your toilet. Avoid a major pipe cleanup by replacing old, rusty pipes if you notice any.

4. Appliance Leaks

Watch out for the four appliances that leak the most by checking for leaks, faulty connections, or cracked hoses:

  • Washing machine
  • Refrigerator
  • Dishwasher
  • Water heater

Dealing with damage due to excess water in your home can often be avoided. Keep on top of these common causes of leaks, puddles, and flooding and always address issues as soon as they occur!

Steps to Cleaning a Flooded Basement

2/12/2022 (Permalink)

the old dirty cellar flooded from a pipe break If you have water damage in your home, you can count on SERVPRO, we offer our cleanup and restoration services around the clock, 7 days a week.

Cleaning A Flooded Basement: A Step-by-Step Guide

A house flood can happen unexpectedly, and if you live in Fort Myers, FL, you may come home one day to find a flooded basement. Insurance coverage will vary according to the policy, and after the initial shock and aggravation, it will be important to find out exactly what damage from a basement flood will be covered by your homeowner or flood insurance.

Many insurance companies will connect you with professional water damage services that will do the heavy clean-up for you. In the meantime, you can begin initial cleaning of your waterlogged basement to prevent prolonged structural damage from the standing water. Here is where you can begin.

1. Choose Your Pump

You have got to begin the process of getting the water out of the basement. Depending on how much there is, you can either use a shop vac or a gas-powered pump. A shop vac plugged into an upstairs outlet can be used for a few inches of water. On the other hand, a deep basement flood requires extreme caution and usually a gas-powered pump is the best way to go to prevent electrocution.

2. Trash the Appliances

Any appliances that you have in the basement will most likely need to go. Appliances that have been in a flood usually cannot be salvaged, and this recommendation also includes any outlets, fixtures, or electrical motors that have been under water. Gas appliances and fixtures will likely have to be discarded as well.

3. Evaluate the Drywall and Floors

If the drywall has been under water, it will have to be removed, as will insulation. If these items are above the water line, they can often be salvaged. Flooring most likely will need to be replaced. Carpet can sometimes be dried and put back.

A basement flood can be a nightmare for any homeowner or renter in Fort Myers, FL. Being proactive in cleanup until the professionals arrive can give you a sense of control in an uncontrollable circumstance.

How To Address a Clogged Pipe Inside Your Bathroom

1/10/2022 (Permalink)

A Bathroom Flooded Is water damage present in your home? Call SERVPRO for all your restoration needs.

How To Clear A Blocked Pipe In The Bathroom

Perhaps you have recently noticed that your toilet overflows while you take a shower. If this describes a common scenario inside your bathroom, you may have a clog inside the waste water line. To remedy the situation and avoid additional unsanitary water seepage, you may need to perform a sewage cleaning or have your system evaluated by a licensed plumber.

Common Clog Causes

Every home in Lehigh Acres, FL, may be susceptible to a sewer line obstruction at some point, and a variety of conditions can contribute to clog formations:

  • Flushing paper towels, diapers and feminine hygiene products
  • Tree root infiltration
  • Grease buildup from cooking oils
  • Collapsed pipes

Regardless of the obstruction’s origins, toilet seepage may continue to plague your bathroom until the clogged pipe is properly addressed.

Clearing the Obstruction

The blockage may reside deep inside a pipe. For this reason, you may need to use a long auger snake instead of a plunger to clear the clog. To begin the sewage cleaning, you can either run the device through the toilet or remove the commode and insert the snake directly through the floor drain. As an alternative, you can locate your home’s drain cleanout plug and attempt to clear the obstruction from that point.

If you continue to experience drainage issues after employing the auger, your plumbing system may have a more serious problem, such as a collapsed line or tree root infiltration. Because these situations require professional attention, you should contact a licensed plumber who can utilize a variety of tools to thoroughly analyze your pipes and detect the problem.

Managing the Situation

Addressing water damage resulting from a toilet overflow can be a challenging and messy experience. Alleviating a clogged pipe can also be extremely difficult, depending on the nature of the obstruction. Although many homeowners may be able to accomplish an efficient sewage cleaning using an auger, particularly difficult clogs and damaged pipes require professional assistance.